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Episode #2
Friday 6 December 2013 | 0 comments

Scene #1

The scene fades in to Fletcher Hewitt's motel room. He has his duffel bag hung over his shoulder. The pounds on the door are now harder and we see the door trembling, as if someone is now trying to ram down the door.

Fletcher Hewitt: Ah, fuck it.

He climbs over the window and goes out, then holds himself outwards using only his hands.

Fletcher Hewitt: Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...

He tries to go back in, pulling himself, but the lack of strength provided by hunger, after eating nothing but cereal bars from the Motel vending machine for the past three days, proves too strong, forcing the gambler to let go. The scene cuts right before the fall.

Scene #2

The scene fades back in, and we see none other than the Grove Street cul-de-sac. Standing right next to the old Johnson house is Tyrese White with his friend Smash, and Lucas Johnson, cousin of Sweet and Carl Johnson, who now resides in the house formerly inhabited by them. 

Lucas Johnson: So, you talked to the guy?

Tyrese takes a hit off his cigarette before dropping it on the floor and turning to LJ.

Tyrese White: Yeah...He's some sort of "prestiged" actor or whatever--

Lucas Johnson: Nigga we ain't in no shape to be messing with Ballas business. This shit is coming back to bite us in the behind, listen to what I tell you.

Tyrese looks forward and sighs. Then he looks at LJ again.

Tyrese White: You know what? I'm tired of yo'shit, LJ. It's because of shit like that that the Families are dead. For God's sake, man, people don't even remember us. They don't know what the fuck Grove Street is other than some street in Davis.

Lucas then looks to the side, refusing to respond.

Tyrese White: You look at me, man. Nigga, you look me in the eye and tell me you're up for dyin' for the Families.

LJ keeps looking to the side.

Tyrese White: Yeah...That's what I thought.

Ty turns around and starts walking toward his place. Smash seems undecided whether to stay with LJ or go with Tyrese, but soon enough makes his mind up and follows Ty.

Lucas Johnson: I'm up for it!...Just sayin'.

Ty keeps his back turned.

Tyrese White: Fuck you, man.

The scene fades off with LJ looking at White's house, as the door is closed shut.

Scene #3

We see blood on a grey pavement. There's a slight zoom out until we see the blood is coming from Fletch's arm. He is making the effort of his life not to make any sounds. The door is heard breaking open as he rolls up his shirt's sleeve to see his wrist bone penetrating outwards from inside the skin. He had landed on his right hand and waist, probably only not breaking any ribs due to the bag filled with money breaking his fall. Big Tito looks out from the window and downwards.

Big Tito: You motherfucker. 

He runs back out, with the intention of flanking Hewitt, forcing the latter to stand up and limp, as fast as he can, toward the main road. As he reaches it, we see Tito come running in the background. Fletch looks behind before he sees a taxi cab right in front of him, in which he proceeds to enter.

Taxi Driver: This one's taken. Please get out.

Fletch stares at the woman to his left on the back seat with a grin.

Fletcher Hewitt: I'll give you each 200$ if you get me the fuck out of here.

The cab driver and the woman look at each other before taking off...

Taxi Driver: Where to?

Choice #2
Fletcher Hewitt
A: "San Fierro"
B: "San Andreas"
C: "Vice City"

Taxi Driver: Alright. But you're still paying the fare.

Fletch nods as he stares at Big Tito through the rearview mirror. We then see his bleeding wrist, which he keeps hiding from the other two, as the scene cuts out.

Scene #3

(On The Phone) Phil Knox: Let's make this clear for you, little guy.

We see Peter Reed sitting on his Sanchez, with his phone held up to his ear, near the Del Piero Pier, in Los Santos, smoking a cigarette.

(On The Phone) Phil Knox: You're not a part of the Lost. You just so happen to be working for us right now. You want our help, then you gotta be Lost, and you haven't proven yourself enough.

There's a pause.

(On The Phone) Phil Knox: So you say the Triads are gunning out for you and then the Lost, right?

Peter Reed: Yes, that's wh--

Knox interrupts Pete.

(On The Phone) Phil Knox: Shh... Get them to back off, and I'll officially honour you with the right to be a member of the Lost.

Reed seems shocked and angry.

Peter Reed: But I need your help now.

(On The Phone) Phil Knox: Well that's just too bad, ain't it?

Knox hangs up on Reed, who proceeds to toss his cellphone on the floor, smashing it. Reed gets on his bike, leaving his phone behind, and rides off.

Scene #4

(On The Phone) Uncle Wo: Consider it done.

We see Benji Wyatt hanging up a phone. There's a slight zoom-out, showing he is at the currently closed down Malibu Club. His newly assigned assistant walks into the office.

Justine Helms: The preparations for the re-opening are done.

Ben Wyatt looks front, through the glass screen, toward the main area of the club.

Benjamin Wyatt: Good.

Justine walks toward Benji.

Justine Helms: I'm worried about you.

He looks at her.

Benjamin Wyatt: Well, don't be. I've suffered all I had to from this. Let's say I have friends in high places and they're not just about to let this slip.

Security Guard: Mr. Wyatt!

Benji walks toward the office exit.

Benjamin Wyatt: What?!

Security Guard: There's someone here for you.

Ben looks behind at Justine.

Benjamin Wyatt: See?

The new owner of the Malibu club walks down the stairs, and out the exit, to see himself standing face-to-face with old University friend, Peter Reed.

Benjamin Wyatt: What are you doing here?

Peter Reed: I came to sort this shit out, face to face.

Wyatt gives a short chuckle.

Benjamin Wyatt: I have nothing to sort out with you.

One of the two security guards look at Benji.

Security Guard: Is this person giving you trouble.

Wyatt stares back up at the security guard.

Benjamin Wyatt: As a matter of fact, h--

Peter Reed: Don't do this. For fuck's sake, Benny. I might be doing some work for them but you and I both know the Lost had nothing to do with this. They wouldn't even be able to shoplift a Binco's store after what happened in the summer.

Benjamin looks at Pete, understanding, yet still doubting.

Peter Reed: I need you to call it off, man. You just have to call it off... Even if you don't believe me, I know that you know that we can't be starting a war.

Benjamin looks to the side.

Peter Reed: Look at me! We used to be friends, man...You just got me killed... I need you to call it off!

Benjamin Wyatt: I can't, okay!? It's too late now!

The two of them exchange a long staredown as Reed realizes what Benji had done.

Benjamin Wyatt: I'm--I'm sorry...I couldn't have know, I know nothing about this gang shit, man! I...

Wyatt looks at the floor.

Benjamin Wyatt: I could've waited but...I just...I didn't know what to do. My father got killed! For no reason!

Reed stares at Benji. With a surprised look.

Peter Reed: No reason?

Reed pauses.

Peter Reed: You mean to tell me you, of all people, didn't know the deep shit your dad was into?...Man...

Benji just looks at him.

Benjamin Wyatt: Just get in.

Benjamin walks into the Malibu Club and Pete Reed follows as the scene fades out.

Scene #5

Brandon Tran: You take this.

We see Tran's hand, as he passes one of his pistols over to Brett Reddick. Reddick appears surprised. He looks down, then at Brandon.

Brett Reddick: You' me a gun?

Brandon Tran opens the fridge in the kitchen they're in, in Tran's Downtown apartment, he takes out a bottle of Coke and opens it with the corkscrew.

Brandon Tran: No. I'm lending you a gun. It's mine.

Reddick gives him a "fair enough" nod, and packs the gun into the back of his jeans.

Brandon Tran: I gave you a choice, and you opted to cooperate. I liked your guts, man, I'll give you that, and I'm going to use them for my advantage, and I hope you do the same.

He drinks some from the bottle.

Brett Reddick: So what am I supposed to do?

Brandon Tran leaves the bottle half-full on the table.

Brett Reddick: And can I have some? I haven't drank anything for hours.

Brandon Tran: Help yourself...We're having a meeting with an old friend of mine.

Brett drinks from the bottle.

Brett Reddick: Tell me more.

Brandon Tran: No.

Tran opens the door and walks out, Reddick following him. He closes the door behind them as the scene fades out.

Scene #6

(On The Radio) DJ Camias: It's a great day in Vice City, and we're here to escort you through it, now here's some Rihanna.

(On The Radio) DJ Sojeph: Bitch, you tryin' to poison our listeners or something? Damn...Here's some actual music for you.

We see John Brady, leaning back against the hood of his car, as Brandon Tran's PCJ 600 speeds over and parks next to him. Brett Reddick gets off the bike.

John Brady: Who the fuck is this? I told you to come alone.

Brandon Tran gets off the bike, takes off his black helmet and stands face-to-face with Brady.

Brandon Tran: As far as I know, I came here doing you a favour, you don't get to tell me anything. And don't worry about him.

Brady gives a weird look at Reddick who is taking off his helmet. Then slightly pulls Tran to the side.

John Brady: Here's the deal. I talked with my stepfather. And he said he'd think it over, but, if you want me to be honest with you, I don't know if he's not just bullcrapping me so I won't hassle him. I don't know...

Brandon stares at Reddick then at Brady.

Brandon Tran: I can scare your stepdad into doing it...Hell, (lowers voice), we can even off the other guy if you want us to. But you gotta make your own choice, man.

Choice #2
John Brady
A: Have Tran and Reddick take care of Stephen Brady.
B: Have Tran and Reddick kill Danny Bolsom.
C: Ask Tran to take care of Stephen Brady, but without Reddick.
D: Ask Tran to kill Danny Bolsom, but without Reddick.

Reddick looks at the two of them as John Brady tells Tran what to do. Tran nods at him and puts his helmet back on. He then walks toward Reddick.

Brandon Tran: Let's go, we have something else to do.

Reddick puts his helmet back on as they both go to get on the bike and the scene fades out.

Scene #6

We see JB Goldman inside a pool at his house, swimming, as two of the only three men really in the Grove Street gang come in.

Tyrese White: Johnny! You called, man?

Goldman swims toward the metal steps and starts climbing out of the swimming pool.

Johnny B. Goldman: Yeah.

He picks up a white towel and rubs it on his hair, drying it a bit.

Johnny B. Goldman: Yeah. I did...I'm taking your offer.

Johnny puts on his sunglasses and looks at Smash and Ty.

Johnny B. Goldman: I was recently at an audition. Big new comedy hit film... I didn't get the main role.

Smash: So? The fuck are we s'posed to do 'bout that?

JB takes a serious stance as he stares down Smash who had just been lightly elbowed on the back by Tyrese.

Johnny B. Goldman: Am I fucking paying you to talk back to me? Or am I paying you to do as I instruct?

They cool down for a second, and JB then looks at the two of them.

Johnny B. Goldman: Here's what's going down. I couldn't get the second lead because it was meant for a black man.

JB takes a sip off his Fiji water bottle and sits back on one of his deck chairs. Tyrese gives out an embarrassed yet fun smile.

Tyrese White: JB, I know I got that star quality but I can't be doin' shit like acting...

Johnny sighs as he looks at the ground.

(Whispering) Johnny B. Goldman: You're just as retarded as the other ones...

Tyrese White: What was that?

JB looks up.

Johnny B. Goldman: Nothing.

Johnny stands up.

Johnny B. Goldman: This is what I need you to do.

Choice #2
Johnny B. Goldman
A: "Go and change the producer's mind. Make him see the wrong choice he made."
B: "Deal with the guy who took my role. His name's Derek Ryan, you can find him living in Starfish Island."

Tyrese White: We ain't gonna let you down, JB.

We see Smash and Tyrese walk around the house through the outside, toward the main gate.

Smash: Something here ain't right, man...

TW stares at him with a surprised expression.

Tyrese White: What'you mean?

They walk out of the main gate and enter the car, Tyrese taking the wheel.

Smash: I know the Ballas, man...You do too. You really think they'd sit back and do nothing after this guy blows them off?

Tyrese turns the engine on.

Choice #2
Tyrese White
A: "No. I don't. But however he deals with those dudes, it's his problem, not ours. As long as he keeps paying, I don't care what the Ballas do to him."
B: "The Ballas are more weak-minded than you think, Smash. They probably just think he's retiring or whatever, forget about it, nigga."
C: Ignore the question.

They drive off as the scene fades out.

Scene #7

The scene fades in to show Alright Man and Lincoln Lucke sitting on one of the benches of the outside area of the North Point Mall.

Alright Man: So...This girl had a gun pointed at her...and you did nothing?

Linc finishes off the joint he was smoking...

Lincoln Lucke: Oh, I did something alright, I ran away like a little bitch...

They both laugh a little bit.

Alright Man: Let's say I do you a favour. Will you do one for your friend, Alright?

Lucke gives him an awkward, pensative, look. Linc would always do a favour for a friend in need, but Alright was one weird guy. Who knows if he wouldn't ask him to kill a hobo who "slept in his spot" or whatever.

Lincoln Lucke: What is it, Al?

Alright stands up in front of Linc.

Alright Man: I'll pretend I'm robbing Burger Shot by sneaking in through the back, and you'll jump in over the counter...

He does air commas.

Alright Man: "Knock me out", save the girl and save the day.

Lincoln Lucke: That actually seems like a good idea...You're gonna have to be quick running out or the security guards'll probably catch you...

Al replies with a grunt, in agreement.

Alright Man: You ready?

Alright turns around and starts walking toward the back alley we saw Brandon Tran and the Triads driving in through, last episode.

Choice #2
Lincoln Lucke (might not look like an important choice, but it is.)
A: "Yeah, let's do it."
B: "Wait, what do you want in return? Al!"

Alright Man is just about to sneak in through the doorway when he finds out it's locked. We see Linc walking into the Mall and slowly walking toward the Burger Shot front counter. The cameras then film Al, skillfully picking the lock outside and entering. He opens the freezer and grabs a frozen solid bag of chips from inside. We go back to seeing the counter.

Lincoln Lucke: Hi...

Jenna looks unpleasantly surprised.

Jenna Phillips: Well if it isn't Houdini himself. What do you want?

Linc gives her an awkward look.

Lincoln Lucke: You can't really speak to a costumer like that, can you?

We see Alright Man hitting Luiz Vialpando, who's replacing the cook, with the bag of chips, knocking him out. He then walks up behind Jenna and grabs her in some sort of sleeper hold. Lucke casually hesitates but then leaps over the counter, and goes to punch Al in the face, yet the latter's survival instinct makes him use Jenna as a human shield. She falls to the floor.

Choice #2
Alright Man
A: "Holy hell I'm sorry, man." Leave.
B: Say nothing, just leave, pretending to be scared, and not breaking character.

Linc awkwardly looks at Al running away before kneeling near Jenna.

Lincoln Lucke: I am so sorry...He moved you. I was going to punch him. Are you okay?

She signals him with her hand to not worry.

Jenna Phillips: I'm fine, don't worry.

Linc pulls her up.

Jenna Phillips: You punch like a girl.

He looks slightly offended but the two then break into laughter as the scene fades out.

Scene #8

We see Brett Reddick follow Brandon Tran, on foot, having left the bike near a sidewalk. From the looks of the neighbourhood we can assume that this is happening somewhere like Ganton or Davis. They walk up to a house front door.

Brandon Tran: Do you even know how to shoot?

Choice #2
Brett Reddick
A: Lie "Yeah. My...uncle taught me when I was younger."
B: I've seen people shoot in the movies...
C: Be ironic. "Yeah. I'm a cold blooded killer, alright."

Tran sighs. He then leans back against the wall, readied gun in hand.

Brandon Tran: Shoot the lock and hide behind the wall. We'll probably get shot at, regardless of whoever we are. 

Brett reluctantly nods.

Brandon Tran: You better be a good shot. I don't plan on being killed by a bunch of junkies, but if you do, it's your damn problem.

Brett looks at the door for a couple of seconds and then does what everyone knows, pulls back the safety trigger, and squeezes the shooting trigger. He successfully breaks the lock, and bullets start flying toward the outside after he kicks the door in and hides behind the wall opposed to Brandon. 


Tran just smiles at Reddick. Suddenly they stop shooting.

Brandon Tran: Stupid druggies always run out of bullets. Kill everyone.

Reddick looks shocked. Tran goes in and starts shooting right into heads. Brett stands outside, just looking at the floor thinking. After four shots, Tran walks back out.

Brandon Tran: Room's clear, are you coming or what?

They both enter.

Brandon Tran: Pick up all the heroin, and all the other valuable shit you can find.

Brett stares at Tran.

Brett Reddick: You just killed four people...just for drugs you don't even take?

Tran gives a short chuckle.

Brandon Tran: Pretty much. This is what you have to do when you work for the Triads. And you work for the Triads now.

Reddick seems surprised.

Brett Reddick: Since when?

Tran looks at Brett, unaware of the hustler appearing on a doorway and pointing his gun at him. He takes over two seconds to pull back the safety trigger, probably due to heroin effects. Reddick looks at him for those two seconds and does nothing, yet shoots him right in the head instinctively after he pulled the trigger. Brandon looks back then at Reddick again.

Brandon Tran: Since now. Good job. Let's wrap this up.

Brandon starts collecting stuff and Brett just looks on at him, before doing so as well, as the scene cuts out.

Scene #9

Benji Wyatt sits on a bar stool, next to Reed, who is drinking Scotch straight from the bottle.

Benjamin Wyatt: I did all I could. I can't call it off, now. I gotta talk to Uncle Wo face to face.

He places the bottle on the counter and looks at Ben.

Peter Reed: What do you mean?

Benji looks at the floor, heavy hearted looking. Then back up.

Benjamin Wyatt: It means...

Choice #2
Benjamin Wyatt
A: "You gotta hide, at least until I talk to Wo."
B: "You're a dead man walking and I can't do jack shit about it...Sorry."
C: "You're gonna die. And it's about damn time."

Reed stands up and starts walking toward the door, when he stops.

Choice #2
Peter Reed
A: "Thanks." (Leave)
B: "Can I, at least, hide in here?"
C: Stab self in the heart. (Suicide)

The scene suddenly cuts off before we can see the biggest choice of Reed's life to this day.

Scene #10

For the first time, in this episode, we see Desean Lambert. We see an orange ball go through a chainlink net, as we realize Lambert and some friends are playing basketball at sunset, in a Las Venturas town, away from the Strip. Some scenes go where we see Desean making a scene like a killing machine, scoring more points than anyone else and smashing them with some highly unexpected rebounds. On the last scene of the short montage we see Jimmy make a great pass for Desean to do a dunk. The ball drops on the floor as most of the opposing team moan.

Jimmy: What the hell are you still doin' here, nigga? Can you explain that shit to me?

They seem to be taking a break, as we see Desean heading for one of the benches on the side, and pick up a face towel. He wipes the sweat from his forehead with it. And then Jimmy comes near him.

Desean Lambert: What'you even mean?

Jimmy seems surprised.

Jimmy: Are you kidding me, here? You are, by far, the greatest sports player I've ever met. You should seriously consider trying out for the 69ers next week.

Desean thinks before he replies.

Desean Lambert: You really think so?

Jimmy sits and Desean does so as well.

Jimmy: Of course...I mean, they're in the NFL. And they're probably just about the only football team who doesn't care if you're a college draft or whatever.

Desean laughs and stares at Jim.

Desean Lambert: Nigga, you don't even know what you're talkin' about, do you?

Jimmy laughs as well.

Jimmy: I guess...I don't know shit about it, but I know you're a great player, and a great guy...

There's a pause.

Jimmy: I do know it just gets on my nerves, the shit you're doin'...It ain't right man.

Desean stares at his friend.

Desean Lambert: It pays the bills.

Jimmy: So does working at Cluckin' Bell. And it won't get you in jail.

Desean stands up.

Desean Lambert: What's the damn difference, then? I don't do drugs, I just deal'em. You do them. You'll go to jail just as easy as me.

Jimmy stands up and gets in his face as well.

Jimmy: Maybe, yeah! But if I go to jail I won't be losing anything 'cept the ball games. You will. I am damn near ten years older than you, nigga. I ain't got anything left to live for. You do.

Lambert turns around and starts walking away.

Desean Lambert: You don't know what you're talking about, man.

Jimmy just sits back on the bench and buries his face in his hands. Desean walks out of the court and, once again, wipes his forehead with the face towel that was draping over his shoulder. The scene fades out as he walks away.

Choice #2
Desean Lambert
A: Try-out for the 69ers. (Leave the Ballas)
B: Try-out for the 69ers. (Don't tell the Ballas)
C: Stay loyal to the gang, and keep your focus on dealing.

The End